
Solutions for Online and PhysicalPre K, K-12, 9-12, and Universities

ApolloEMS is more than just a Learning Management System (LMS) it’s and Education Management System (EMS). Catered to the Administration, Teachers, Students, and Parents. Administer your entire District or University from Campus Management, School Management, Teacher and Student Information Systems, physical and online classes, admissions, transfers, and much more.

Cross Platform Compatibility

End User Technology keeps getting better, faster, and sometimes smaller; with hundreds of different devices and device manufaturers it makes it hard to pick which devices will be supported and which ones will not be. ApolloEMS is designed to keep the dependance of hardware type a non-issue. We have designed ApolloEMS to be platform independant, to work on all devices and all screen sizes, from smartphones to desktops, any device that supports iOS, MacOS, Windows, Android, and Linux.

On the Server Side, we have designed ApolloEMS to also be OS independent, with installations supporting Linux Servers, Windows Servers, and MacOS Servers. ApolloEMS Server Side is also available as a Cloud Only Installation for the instutions who do not have the ability to or simply do not want to have a local running server solution.

Modular Design

ApolloEMS is designed as an application suite comprised of modules for each set of features that is relevant for your schools set of specific needs.

This modular based system allows you to utilize just the features and functions that you need keeping costs down by only paying for what you need.

Modular applications also allow for simple updating, instead of updating the entire program for each update, only the updated module(s) will be updated. Making updates faster to implement, and requiring less network bandwidth on metered or limited connections.

Current Modules

Student Information System System for managing and storing student information. This information includes personal info like Address, Parent/Guardian Info, Contact Info, etc. Additionally, this stores all the student’s transcripts, disciplinary records, academic notes, administrative notes, etc.

Teacher Information System System for managing and storing teacher information. Contains records for past and current courses assigned as an instructor, rosters of students assigned to the classes (past and current), and HR related information (like contact info, degrees, etc)

Course and Class Management System System for managing the school’s courses (physical and virtual). Responsible for generating the class/course catalog and syllabuses, required textbooks and/or supplies, prerequisites, assigned teachers, etc.

Classroom Management System System for managing the physical campus. Scheduling and assigning physical courses to the physical classrooms. Also stores and manages the classroom maintenance and maintenance requests, assigned assets (projectors, tv’s, etc).

Attendance Tracking System System for logging Student Attendance in physical classrooms.

Gradebook/Grade Tracking System System for recording and logging student grades for assignments, tests, quizzes and overall course grades. Able to record numeric based grades, letter grades, and pass no pass.

Digital Locker System Virtual Lockers for Students. Storage of Class assignments, files, eTextbooks, etc.

Audit Logging Control System Enhanced auditing system. This system will record every action of every user and store previous values and changed values of any record changes. (ex: Manny Morales [Teacher ID: 123] updated Bobby Morales [Student ID: 456] Grade in Course World History [Course ID: 1022] From an 89.5% to a 98% on March 5, 2019 at 13:31:10 from IP:

Access Control System System for managing access to the EMS. This includes firewall rules and access control rights for individual users and groups of users.

Website Management System System to Manage and Maintain the district website and each school’s website. Includes a content management system with multi-tier access control for administration from overall administration to individual school administration to individual teacher page administration.

Enrollment and Registration Management System System for Registration and Enrollment Management. Allow students to enroll into the school and Register into classes. Enrollment management will also check for qualifications based on the rules set and filter applicants through a pre-approval process narrowing down the applicants for staff to approve through admissions.

Fees and Payments System System for applying, accepting, processing and tracking Fees and Payments.

Human Resources Management System System for managing HR for the district and schools. Tracks employees (teachers, administrators, support staff, etc) and keeps records including hire date, salaries, disciplinary, certifications, etc.

Health Services Management System System for managing and tracking basic Health Information and notes from school nurses, school medical staff or equivalent. This system is HIPAA compliant. This system is not an EMR system but serves as a way to adequately keep records of health services rendered to students and staff from school medical/health staff. Also, vital information is stored about the student like allergies.

Food Services Management System System for the food service department. Includes a Point-of-Purchase/Sale (POP/POS) system for food service lines, back office reporting and inventory management, food service accounts for students and staffs, etc.

Library Management System System for the management of the school physical library, including tracking of checked out and returned items and management of the library catalog. This system also is used for the virtual library, cataloging ebooks, and other digital library items. This system also integrates with the pay system to allow students to purchase items from the library.

Asset Management System System for tracking and managing assets and the lifespan of the asset. (Asset Tag items like projectors, computers, phones, file cabinets, etc).

Parent Resources System System for parent access. Allows parents to view student grades, attendance and other module specifics that have PARS integration (ex: FOOD module allows parents to view student food purchases, set spending limits, set purchase limits, and add money to students account).

Academic Advisors Resource System System to provide advisors with resources and statistics for degrees, college acceptance requirements, work place acceptance requirements, certification requirements, etc. Records the goals of each advisors’ students and keeps track of the progress of the student in accordance to the rules set by the advisor and the resources available for the student goal. Provides notifications and alerts if the student is no longer on track and provides suggestions for the advisors based on industry standards, education standards, and real-world acceptance.

Report and Export Management System System for Managing and Organizing reports and Data Exports. In addition to the built in reports this system allows for the creation of customized reports and/or Data exports.

Backup and Replication System System for monitoring and processing backups and replication. Replication is done locally to a secondary failover system and a cloud-based system with GSS. Backups are done locally on a drive-to-drive backup (NAS or external drive), tape drive, or other local physical media. Backups are also performed on the cloud-based system in accordance to the data centers backup policies.

API System System for managing API access to the system and its data.

Store Management System System for managing physical and online stores. This includes book stores, student stores, sport/event ticketing, etc. System includes a Point-of-Purchase/Sale (POP/POS) for physical stores and shopping cart systems for online stores. Inventory Management system is also included.

DepEd Interconnect System Access for the Department of Education/Other Government Oversight Department(s) using our DepEdConnect Application and/or Portal.

Crisis Response and Alert System System for crisis situations. Sends emergency alerts and notifications for natural or human caused disasters or crisis’s (ex: earthquakes, floods, bomb threats, shootings, etc). These alerts are capable of receiving responses (ex: To mark yourself as safe please respond with 1 or safe). This system will also produce reports for use in on site evacuation and rescue including rosters of all students and teachers marked as present for the day. This system ties in with local and nationwide cellular providers to provide cellular broadcasting. Additional plan(s) with the cellular provider is required for full usage of this system (alerting part only).

Notifications and Alerts Broadcast System System for managing notifications and alerts. This system is used to send notifications to students, teachers, parents, admins, etc. Ex: "Your Child Jon was late to Science Class today." Or "Reminder: You have a test 'Chapter 4' on Tuesday for Chemistry"

Online/Virtual Course System System for running online courses. Includes virtual classrooms, quizzes/tests/exams, discussion boards, forums, course reading/slides/notes, etc.

Scheduled Task Management System System for processing and tracking system tasks (Similar to Windows Task Manager or Linux CRON Jobs). This system is used to run internal processes to clean up databases, run reports, process notifications/alerts, run backups, and any other tasks associated to the EMS.

Module Description

Click on a module to view the details/description of the module.

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